Antiphonal, 2018. Notational drawings from sound of weaver’s movements as open score for voice, 46 pages
paper, ink, dressmaker chalk, graphite, carbon, tape, photocopy. Drawings: 28.3 x 21cm each. Sound: 11:30min.
The erroneous, misheard and unshaped give form to speculative architectures that propose varying levels or intensities of accessibility.
Eavesdropping at the Australian Tapestry Workshop, recordings were made of the incidental sound and unscripted gestures of two weavers at work. A series of open-scores for voice were developed using different encodings from traditional musical notation and children’s marks. The hand-drawn recordings register their haptic and sonic gestures and focus on the unintentional and overlooked aspects of collective, creative work.
An open score – a weave to be sung, in which the erroneous, misheard and unshaped give form to speculative architectures that propose varying levels or intensities of accessibility. Selected drawings were sounded unrehearsed and recorded in-situ to include the ambient sounds of the workshop. The encounter with sound and score is organised simultaneously. Circulating from one to the other, the work engages what it engages and what it turns away from.
[Artist residency, Australian Tapestry Workshop, 2018]
[The movement of the aside, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, 2018 (drawings only); AIR18, Australian Tapestry Workshop, 2019]
Antiphonal, 2018. Sound. Voiced by Bronwyn Calcutt, 11:30min.